Rest, Recalibrate & Re-Engage

A place to step away from the demands of ministry life

Kerith Retreats

Surrounded by the calm of nature, our retreat centres offer the space to truly find stillness and our retreat schedule enables you to experience profound renewal in Christ. Since we understand the value of coming away, we set aside ample time for you to pray, reflect and let your mind slow down as you reconnect with God.

Designed to host no more than four couples, each centre offers a warm and gracious home environment. For your comfort, each guest suite is furnished with a fireplace, private bathroom, king- or queen-sized bed, and sitting area. And to ensure you’re able to enjoy a truly restful experience, meals are included in your stay, served by the host couple.

Our desire at Kerith Retreats is that you experience real rest in God during your stay here and you leave empowered by the time away, the teaching and the one-on-one sessions with the program directors.

Upcoming events

Oct 1 – Oct 8, 2024

Ministry Leaders Renewal Retreat. Kerith Creek, Alberta.

Oct 15 – Oct 22, 2024

Ministry Leaders Renewal Retreat. Kerith Pines, Manitoba.

Oct 26 – Nov 2, 2024

Ministry Leaders Renewal Retreat. Kerith Waters, Ontario.


“The whole experience was superb. I unplugged for the whole retreat. The location, the lodge, the care, the teaching, the quiet, the pondering, the fellowship, - all priceless. Even at 60 I learned stuff about how the Lord has wired me and had a couple of “AHA!!” moments. It was an extended Sabbath. It was deep, it was fun, it was reflective and affirming.”

“Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: ‘Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.’”

1 Kings 17:2-4